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Marcia Wye Discusses How<em> Simply</em>Home Improved Her Mother's Life

To celebrate Mother's Day, here is the story of one daughter's choice to use SimplyHome technology to improve the life of her 93-year-old mother by helping her maintain independence in her home. Enjoy Marcia's story, and visit her website.

I am a Certified Aging in Place Specialist in Acton, Maine. As such I am always researching information about aging in place. I set up Google Alerts, which sent me an article written about your company and the rest, as they say, is history. I bought the system for my 93-year-old mother who needed home assistance to remain independent and safe in her home after surgery.

I am a BIG believer in the elderly remaining at home if they can do so safely, and the technology your company offered provided my mother with the opportunity to remain in her home safely. As a caregiver, safety is number one issue. SimplyHome provides that peace of mind for me and my siblings. There's not enough 2x4's and mortar to build enough assisted living centers for the tsunami of aging boomers coming. Your company offers options to assisted living that really works!

My home state of Maine has one of the largest aging demographics in the nation. You can fit all the New England states inside Maine, and there are so many elderly people in remote locations. Your product is absolutely perfect in helping elderly people in remote areas of Maine remain in their homes.

I'm also a computer geek, so this was a no-brainer.  Most boomers are also caregivers for their parents so the technology for your product is simple and easy for them to implement for their parents. Installation is also simple for someone who "gets" the technology and the reason for it.

As you can imagine, I receive tons of Google alerts about aging in place. Yours was the first article that popped up about assistive technology. I loved the sort of "good, better, best" choice of services. Even better than that was the a la carte menu of options. I didn't have to use everything you offered. I could pick and choose what was best for my Mom.  Aging is a process, and your company offered options that fit what my Mother needs right now.  The great thing about your company's offerings is that as she needs more assistive technology, I can add more! I don't have to sign up for the whole shebang up front. And of course, the price was excellent.

Honestly, I could tell you lots of stories, but I think the most impressive facet of SimplyHome technology is the text message alerts. Most people would probably assume that getting a text message alerting them to a problem is the point of this service--but not getting one is just as important. For example, I once received an alert that Mom was taking her nightly meds earlier than usual. When I called her to find out why, she said she wasn't feeling that well and was going to bed early.  The next morning, I didn't receive a text message saying that she was up at her usual time.  When I went over to check on her, I found her feverous and lethargic. Turns out she had an abscess on her lung that could have been fatal had I not known to go and check on her and then called 911 to admit her to hospital for emergency surgery.

The front door alert tells me that Meals on Wheels or my mother’s other caregiver has arrived. I got an alert from SimplyHome that her front door had opened that was not on the time schedule of MOW or the other caregiver. So I raced over only to find that my brother had decided to make a surprise visit. Sometimes the alerts can be pleasing!

Medicine reminders are also great. Although the technology cannot confirm that the person has consumed the medication, it does tell you if they have or have not retrieved it.  When I don't receive a message that Mom has taken her pills, I call to remind her. It works perfectly!

Independence for Mom, peace of mind for my siblings and I and the joy of seeing how happy she is every day when she wakes up in the home she has loved for so long!

Hmm, let's see four or five thousand dollars a month for assisted living or $70 a month for SimplyHome? You do the math. And you know what's really interesting?  I've got all these visiting nurses, PT's and OT's coming into the house to provide services to my mom. They are so impressed by the technology set up in mom's home and they tell me they wish all their clients could afford it. When I tell them how much it costs, they can't believe it.

I am an experienced kitchen and bath designer, a Certified Aging in Place Specialist and have received my Executive Certificate in Home Modifications from the University of Southern California. I own MJW Home Modifications for Boomers & Beyond and plan to add assistive technology to my company's offerings as well.

I would recommend SimplyHome to anyone. I can't spread the word fast and far enough!  It's amazing how hungry people are for this type of information and services.

Thank you again to Marcia for sharing her story! Mother's Day is a time to remember the care and kindness mothers show their children. If you think your mother could benefit from SimplyHome like Marcia did, please visit our website at or give us a call at 828-684-8441.