Top 5 Websites that Highlight Apps for People with I/DD


In celebration of March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, today on our blog we want to share some of the best resources we’ve found as we seek to empower our clients with technology. Here, in no particular order, are SimplyHome’s top 5 websites that highlight awesome apps for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities.

[You can read more about DD Awareness Month here.]

1. Tech Toolbox: Best Search Feature for New Apps

Created by the Arc of the United States, Tech Toolbox highlights over 360 special needs apps, categorizing them by specific goals (such as “finishing work on time” or “communicating with strangers”) and by user needs (“uses voice commands” or “understands symbols or pictures”). This index of reviews also features software and devices such as the Big Red Switch and smoke detector strobe lights. Anyone can leave their own reviews of tools on this site.

Review for The Community Success App: “Reviewers say Community Success App is most useful for: Independent Living(1), Transportation(1), Home safety(1)”


2. Bridging Apps: Best for Detailed Reviews

This is the mother of all indexes for special needs apps! BridgingApps is a program of Easter Seals Greater Houston, and this site features reviews of over 4400 apps! Some of the apps are less obvious than others, but then the reviewers explain why each app may be useful. When reviewing the Amazon app, they write, “We believe this app would be beneficial for users who have been diagnosed with Down Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorder.” BridgingApps also has several specialized lists, such as their Caregiver Apps and AAC Apps.

Review for Choiceworks: “An app for helping children complete daily routines and tasks, understanding and controlling feelings and to improve their patience. Caregivers, teachers, and therapists use this app with students diagnosed with autism (verbal and non-verbal), ADD, and other learning disabilities to keep them on task and motivated.” (This app review continues for two additional paragraphs; read it here.)


3. Center on Technology and Disability: Best Downloadable Resources

The Center on Technology and Disability features an incredibly extensive collection of tools, links to resources, and blog posts. To locate their app reviews of individual apps and lists of apps (grouped by skill or user type), search “apps” from the homepage.

Many posts feature downloadable resources, such as “AT Support for Autism,” “AT and App Support for Executive Function,” and “Selecting Apps for Young Children.” Each PDF guide (located in the right column under “Download Here”) was developed by educators who are assistive technology specialists.


4. Maine CITE: Best Lists of Apps by User Type

Maine CITE offers a list of lists, rather than an index of apps. This curated project features over 56 lists of apps as assistive technology, with lists specific to seniors, TBI survivors, students with learning disabilities, people who are visually impaired, and people with limited mobility.

Here are two favorites from this epic list of lists:


5. OT’s with Apps: Best Reviews Straight from an OT

Occupational therapist Carol Leynse Harpold has compiled some excellent lists of apps on her award-winning blog. Our favorite is her list of Apps categorized by Area of Occupation (including Shoe Tying, Med Help, Visual Schedule, Social Skill Builder).

To locate more lists of apps, look for the menu title “OT’s with Apps Pages” on the right-hand column of the site.


What are your favorite app websites? We’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below, or learn more about SimplyHome.